Star System: Stanton

Author: HO0T

While the UEE still controls the rights to the system overall, the four planets themselves were sold by the government to four megacorporations making them the only privately-owned worlds in the Empire. Though subject to the UEE’s common Laws and standard penal code, the UEE does not police the region. Instead, private planetary security teams enforce the local law.

Size: 5 AU

Type: Single Star, Main Sequence-Dwarf-G

Affiliation: UEE

Jump Points: Stanton – Magnus, Stanton – Pyro, Stanton – Terra

Planets: Crusader, Arccorp, Microtech, and Hurston

Other: Aaron Halo – Asteroid Belt


Planet – ArcCorp (Stanton III)

Buildings cover a majority of the planet’s surface with residential areas relegated to the poles while ArcCorp’s factories, business headquarters, financial and commercial districts are located in between.

Habitable: No

Type: Super-Earth

Affiliation: UEE

Landing Zones: 1 – Area 18


Lyria (Stanton 3A): Satellite, planetary moon, uninhabitable. This icy moon features active cryogeysers and cryovolcanoes.

Wala (Stanton 3B): Satellite, planetary moon, uninhabitable. The low density of Wala is particularly susceptible to tidal forces which result in the moon being noticeably prolate.

Planet – Crusader (Stanton II)

A low mass gas giant that features a breathable atmosphere at high altitudes. This was an ideal situation for ship manufacturer Crusader, who now occupies the planet’s floating platforms to build massive ships like the Starliner.

Habitable: No

Type: Gas Giant

Affiliation: UEE

Landing Zones: 1 – Orison

Points of Interest

Celestial Object – Security Post Kareah: Man-made, orbital defense uninhabitable platform. A brand new outpost built to house an extended Crusader Security presence in this sector. It is expected to be open and operating soon. Security Post Kareah is currently in the persistent universe and typically serves as a hub to clear crimestats.

Celestial Object – Port Olisar: Man-Made, starbase uninhabitable platform. Located in the trade lanes above Crusader, Port Olisar offers a breathtaking view of the planet below. Owned and operated by Crusdaer Industries, Port Olisar acts as a gateway to the company’s vast planetary holdings and orbital shipyards. As of 2023, Port Olisar was utilizing old technology and served as the primary spawn location in the persistent universe for many years. It was recently retired and replaced by Seraphim Station.

Celestial Object – Covalex Hub Gundo: Man-Made, space station, unihabitable platform. Formerly Covalex’s prime shipping hub for the system, Gundo suffered a catastrophic accident that resulted in an explosion and the deaths of all the employees aboard the station. Covalex has since moved their operations to Orison directly.

Celestial Object – Cry-Astro Service: Man-Made, space station, unihabitable platform. This station is a franchise of Cry-Astro and provides facilities to restock and refuel a wide variety of ships.

Celestial Object – ICC Scanhub Station: Man-Made, probe, unihabitable platform. Part of the Imperial Cartography Center, this research station is categorized as a Deep Space Scanning and AstroGraphical Station, one of the many turn-key facilities the UEE places in systems to casually sweep for jump points.

Celestial Object – Commarray SCC: Man-Made, space station, unihabitable platform. These communication stations are positioned around the area to help provide comm coverage. Can be disabled to mitigate potentially gaining a crimestat.


Daymar (Stanton 2B): Satellite, planetary moon, uninhabitable. Named after the middle brother of the three siblings featured in the 25th century children’s tale, “A Gift for Baba,” this is the largest of Crusader’s moons. Daymar’s slightly eccentric orbit is said to represent his ease at getting lost in the story. Daymar serves as the location for the Daymar Rally which is an annual team based race in austere conditions.

Yela (Stanton 2C): Satellite, planetary moon, uninhabitable. Named after the oldest of the three siblings featured in the 25th century children’s tale, “A Gift for Baba,” this moon has a water-ice crust said to represent Yela’s cool and calculating mannerisms.

Planet – Hurston (Stanton I)

A wealth of ore and other resources are mined on Hurston to manufacture the company’s line of munitions and weapons. Heavy industry has resulted in severe pollution across the planet.

Habitable: No

Type: Super-Earth

Affiliation: UEE

Landing Zones: 1 – Lorville


Arial (Stanton 1A): Satellite, planetary moon, uninhabitable. This moon was named after the 3rd CEO of Hurston Dynamics, Arial Hurston, who was known for creating the controversial Life/Labor-style employee contract.

Aberdeen (Stanton 1B): Satellite, planetary moon, uninhabitable. This moon was named after scientist Aberdeen Hurston who was credited with designing the company’s first antimatter warhead.

Magda (Stanton 1C): Satellite, planetary moon, uninhabitable. This moon was named after Hurston Dynamics CEO Magda Stanton who made the decision to purchase Stanton I from the UEE. Magda is the mother of current CEO “Colonel” Gavin E. Stanton.

Ita (Stanton 1D): Satellite, planetary moon, uninhabitable. This moon was named after Ita Hurston, who died during the first Tevarin war, as a reminder of why “the products Hurston Dynamics makes are so important.”

Planet – Microtech (Stanton IV)

A terraforming error left the planet with an unnaturally dense cloud cover and a colder than average climate making it an ideal location for owner microTech to house its heat-sensitive computing and manufacturing centers.

Habitable: No

Type: Super-Earth

Affiliation: UEE

Landing Zones: 1 – New Babbage


Calliope (Stanton 4A): Satellite, planetary moon, uninhabitable. Named after the ancient Greek muse who inspires eloquence to supposedly remind those gazing upon the moon from MicroTech to ‘strive for pure expression of thought.’

Clio (Stanton 4B): Satellite, planetary moon, uninhabitable. Named after the ancient Greek muse of history to supposedly remind those gazing upon the moon from MicroTech to remember that ‘their work stands on those who came before them.’

Euterpe (Stanton 4C): Satellite, planetary moon, uninhabitable. Named after the ancient Greek muse of music to supposedly remind those gazing upon the moon from MicroTech to be ‘guided by the natural rhythm of the universe in their designs.’

Jump Points

Stanton – Magnus

Type: Bidirectional

Size: Large

Destination System: Magnus

Stanton – Pyro

Type: Bidirectional

Size: Medium

Destination System: Pyro

Stanton – Terra

Type: Bidirectional

Size: Large

Destination System: Terra