Navigating Star Citizen: A Guide to Landing

Navigating Star Citizen: A Guide to Landing


In the vast universe of Star Citizen, mastering the art of landing is an essential skill for any spacefarer. Whether you’re returning to a bustling spaceport or venturing out to the wilderness, knowing how to touch down safely is crucial. Let’s explore the process of landing in two scenarios: at a spaceport or spacestation and at an outpost or in the wilderness.

New Babbage International Spaceport
New Babbage International Spaceport

Landing at a Spaceport or Spacestation

When you approach a spaceport or spacestation, your first step is to get close enough to be within communication range. This allows you to contact Air Traffic Control (ATC) and request permission to land. Here’s how:

  1. Get in Range: As you approach the station, ensure you’re within communication range.
  2. Request Landing: Open your mobiGlas by pressing F11, then select “Contacts.” Find the spaceport’s contact and click the “hail” button to request landing permission.
  3. Follow the Waypoint: After your request is granted, a waypoint will appear in your HUD, guiding you to the assigned hangar or docking port.
  4. Prepare for Approach: As you get closer to the designated location, deploy your landing gear by pressing ‘N.’ Be mindful of your speed; arriving too fast can make it challenging to stop in time.
  5. Variation in Hangars: Pay attention to the type of hangar – some have vertical entries, while others feature side entries.
  6. Manual or Auto Landing: Once you’re over the landing pad by a few meters, you can either land manually or hold ‘N’ to engage the auto-landing feature. If auto-landing doesn’t activate, move closer to the pad. Note that the distance for auto-landing is relatively short.
  7. Power Down: After successfully landing, it’s advisable to power off your ship’s engines by pressing ‘I.’ This ensures your ship remains safely grounded.
Arccorp Mining Outpost 141

Landing at an Outpost or in the Wilderness

Landing in the untamed wilderness or at an outpost presents a different set of challenges. Here’s how you can navigate this scenario:

  1. Similar to a Space Station: The initial steps of getting close enough to contact ATC are omitted, as there’s no ATC in the wild.
  2. Mind Your Approach: Whether you’re landing at an outpost or finding a spot in the wilderness, approach your landing site carefully. There are no hangars or pads in these locations.
  3. Manual Landing: Autoland doesn’t work on outpost landing pads. You’ll need to manually land your ship. Take it slow and easy.
  4. Power Down: Just like when landing at a spaceport, press ‘I’ to power off your ship’s engines after landing.

Bonus Tip: While you’re on most landing pads, consider accessing landing pad services. To do this, press ‘F1’ and select the wrench icon at the bottom row of icons. This menu provides access to various services, such as repair, rearm, and refuel, if available at that location.

Mastering the art of landing is a fundamental skill for all Star Citizen players. Whether you’re touching down at a bustling spaceport or landing in the wilderness, these steps will help you navigate the process with ease. Enjoy your adventures, and may your landings always be smooth and safe!

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