Star Citizen Ship Insurance Explained

Star Citizen Ship Insurance Explained


Ship insurance in Star Citizen is a captivating aspect of the game, offering players a safety net for their prized vessels. Let’s break down the key details to make it easy to grasp.

Initial Coverage

In most cases, when you purchase a base starter game package, it comes with a standard insurance plan that spans 6 months. This coverage means that if your ship meets an unfortunate fate—whether it’s destroyed, lost, or stolen—during this initial 6-month window, you can breathe a sigh of relief. You won’t have to endure a complex ordeal to reclaim your vessel. While there might be a minor fee involved, akin to an insurance deductible, it’s typically quite reasonable.

Renewing Your Insurance

Once those initial 6 months are up, the responsibility for maintaining your ship’s insurance shifts to you, the player. You can extend your ship’s coverage by renewing the insurance policy using in-game currency. This offers a degree of control and flexibility, ensuring that your assets remain protected.

Safety Net for Real Money Ships

But what happens if your ship falls victim to misfortune after your initial insurance coverage expires? Here’s where it gets interesting. Cloud Imperium Games, the developer behind Star Citizen, has assured the community that ships purchased with real money will never be permanently lost. If you lose such a ship, rest assured that there will always be a path to recovery using in-game currency. This typically involves renewing the insurance policy using in-game funds, effectively giving your vessel a second chance.

In essence, ship insurance in Star Citizen serves as a safety net for both new and seasoned players, providing a buffer against the unexpected and ensuring that the galaxy’s most coveted ships can always find their way back to their rightful owners.

Source: Official Star Citizen Forums

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